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MetaBrief: TCG World Metaverse News for April 10th 2023

Writer's picture: SpriteWriterSpriteWriter

MetaBrief: A weekly update of all things TCG World

Week of April 10th 2023

Alpha 4.0 Previewed

Jon returned to streaming and showed off some of the latest build. This is a pre-Unity build still. The broadcast showed new sprites, including the minting screen below, a new racing challenge at the track, biome changes, a bunny, and more. Give Jon a follow on Twitch, and you can watch the video here until Twitch auto-deletes it. It's a good one to watch!

Also PJ streamed earlier in the week, here's that video:

Hoppy Easter!

I got to show off some new Easter themed Avatars in one of the latest Sprite Reports!

It's worth a read if you like Avatars! Go here:

Additionally TCG World has been doing some giveaways all Easter Weekend. They're giving away some virtual land plots. If you haven't entered, the contests are below:

Diamond Group Verification

One of the very first group chats ever created on Telegram was the VIP Diamond group. These were the very first supporters of TCG World. This was nearly 2 years ago. Since then, many have sold their plots.. yet those people remain in the group. Just like the verified plot owner group, TCG World is ensuring now that the Diamond group is also exclusive to those Diamond owners. So if you're in the diamond plot group pay attention to what's being said in there to get verified! If you do get removed, and still have diamonds and want to be in the group, you can message an admin to get back in.

Lots of Dragons! Is Tuesday a Big Day?

Lots of Dragon Images posted this past week! TCG showed off some of the baby dragons which are now 3d modelled! No longer just AI concepts!

The other dragon, the red Asian dragon, hasn't been shown by TCG yet.. but PJ shows it in this tweet to Alex Becker:

TCG also has been hinting of something coming soon..

And then specifically mentioning Tuesday.. Tomorrow!

Guessing it's the Dragon Bible v2. We shall see.

Jace's AMA on Telegram

On Friday TCG World / Jace the Chief Gaming Officer held a question and answer session. The previous week he had been gathering some questions and he answered them on the voice chat. I wrote a summary of all the questions/answers.. click here for that.

Destiny's AMA on Telegram

Destiny had an AMA earlier last week. Here's the two things I wrote down:

- There are 3 real-world educational institutions that may be interested in using Destiny in the metaverse.

- Destiny said TCG World has modeled the in-game Destiny. It's below, and here's a link to that message.

Education Center Timelapse Video

TCG World continues to show a ton of progress with buildings that will soon make their way into TCG World. Here's a pretty cool video showing the education center being constructed.

And another video showing a silver plot build from Sandstorm's week 8 challenge:

More Builds Coming!

Sandstorm tweeted out the Week 16 build proposal for STORE FRONTS! This one might be a big one... since these might be what some of the very first businesses to move into TCG World will use? We shall see!

Time for more internal & external architecture!

Build a shopping center on a gold sized land plot with signage, countertop, and display areas.

For a gold sized plot!

See the tweet here.

Sprites in 3D!

From concept to reality, the sprites are coming off the digital page and into the metaverse! Take a look at these sprites that are fully 3d modelled now!

Click on each one to go to the original tweet they were featured in.

Original concept:

This one is just badass! Looks amazing!

Original concept:

And a good boy:

Original concept:

Can't wait to meet these guys in the game!

Server Status

No update this week, it's the same as last week:

The servers will be down until the next build becomes available. They're working on it now. No ETA has been provided.

Unity has their hands on the latest version of the TCG World Alpha and is now going through the code, making fixes where needed, and developing new stuff. David is following their lead, and it'll be up to Unity to release future playable builds. It may be weeks, it may be months perhaps. Unity has the brightest minds and the best developers on the team, with a full arsenel of their Unity toys to play with. I can't wait to see what they come up with!

Metamask News

NFTs are coming to Metamask! A welcome improvement! Tweet here.

Bellere Mystery Cars

Car Mystery Box Update: 3757 mystery boxes left.

Community Content

Cryptos Richboy posts regular project updates on his Youtube Kenneth posts a lot on his Youtube, Facebook, and TikTok

MetaBitBros posts a variety of vidoes on Youtube

Blaze posts and streams over on Youtube

Please support the dedicated community! Likes, Comments, Follows, Suscribes all go a long way to help the community. Do you know any others producing TCG World content on the regular? Let me know!

Read Last Week's Ketchup!

Best Places for TCG World News:

TCG World Youtube for AMA Update Streams TCG World Twitter for Daily Posts from them. TCG World Verified Plot Owner Chat - Search for David's name and read all his comments. Check the pinned messages. Here's how to get in:

Recent and Informational Sprite Reports:

Keep Up To Date with the TCG World Guilds!

Keep up to date with K10! K10 Twitter

Hot Take. There is only one true Ketchup and that is by Heinz. Hands down. No argument.

Thanks for reading another Sprite Report! Please follow The Sprite Report on Social media!

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1 Comment

Blaze M
Blaze M
May 05, 2023

These dragon teaser pics are amazing as well the sandstorm build! 🔥😎🔥

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SpriteWriter, AKA @LeecedCrypto on Telegram, is a member of the TCG World team and is doing this on his free time as a side project.    

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