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1 Year Anniversary

Happy Birthday to The Sprite Report! On March 1st 2022, I signed up to Wix, grabbed the domain and created my first post.

Since then I've done more than 300 posts on this site, including the newspaper style one-sheet posts everyone came to be familiar with. All posts were TCG World related, except for one Stan Lee one. Let's face it, I just wanted to show off my cool figure.

I want to thank everyone for their support over the past year. I feel I am rather bad at expressing support and saying thank yous over the internet, but I truly am thankful to everyone who has reached out in support of TSR, be it by messages or simply re-sharing a post. It means a lot.

To address the pink bear in the room, I slowed down a while back after doing a little over 200 days straight of daily news for a few reasons. First, I got burned out. Believe it or not, it's rather hard creating 2 news stories every day! If you look back at some of the dailies, you'll see some rather dull content - such as "read the plot owners chat" as an actual story since I couldn't share anything from the exclusive chat - and I did this more than once! So daily news wasn't the best way to go.

Secondly, the TCG World alpha finally got some gamification! Hello Sprite Champion! This actually was a wonderful distraction for me (still is) from all the bs I was dealing with from...

Thirdly, beyond my control, the business I was running was crumbling bit by bit, and I found myself dealing with stuff that I never imagined in my life I'd ever have to deal with. Overall this part is not TCG related at all, but it did redistribute focus over the past 9 months. You can skip the next two paragraphs if you'd like as it's personal vs TCG.

I had ran a business for a good friend since 2018. Him and his wife had refocused their business direction to real estate and had little interest in their other business, so I was like.. let me try to see what I can make out of it. I rebuilt it from the ground up and within 2 years we had sales beyond anyones imagination, rivaling even their real estate business. It was nuts.

Then in 2022 the owners, my friend and his wife, got into drugs and ruined their lives. They became unresponsive, never returning calls or texts, nobody could get ahold of them. I still can't. His rather successful real estate business was the first to go. Then their kids got removed. And finally the business I ran. Their house is next to go I hear as they simply refuse to be adults and pay bills, even though they have plenty of money. It's a very sad situation. My friends have been replaced, I don't know how else to put it. That's not them anymore. Don't do meth, folks.


The future of TSR is a little hazy for me at the moment.. especially with the realization that I am starting a new job in a week. I want to see TSR grow into not only a news source and resource for all things TCG World, but a brand in itself. Even if I didn't have that pesky job.. I don't think I would be able to do all that I want to do with it.

My original plan for TSR was to be an informational website with all the updates, all the game stats, quests, etc. It still can be! Either TSR or the Index site. Something like this should be built for sure so people have a go-to source to find out everything TCG when they need. A help site so you don't have to go on Telegram to ask a question, you can look it up yourself.

The thing is.. I suck at websites. They frustrate the heck out of me.. or at least Wix does. I move one dang thing and it ruins everything. After a year of that I've just given up on making it look good. Nothing frustrates me more lol. I actually paid a guy to redesign everything.. and he did! Four times! Each time made me more discouraged.

Furthermore the intention is to have an in-game newspaper. TCG is nowhere near that as a priority, so I haven't put much more thought about it since this is something that I cannot wing-it like I can the website/blog. But that would be cool as heck to be able to see the pegasus in game!

Long story still long, and finally getting to a point - I present a plea for help. I'd love to get someone, or some people, as passionate for TCG World as myself to work with me on the The Sprite Report going further. If you have any desire to partner up like that, please email me or reach out on Telegram.

Otherwise it'll remain the same as it is now, as that's all I can spit out at the moment : ) You can still expect the AMA summaries, you can still find the Sprite Leaderboard in one place, and the occiasional odd story here and there from myself. I feel bad saying that's all it'll be.. I feel like I'm letting people down. But hopefully someone sees the same potential and when we get to Happy Birthday #2 it'll be something else entirely : ) Meanwhile, TCG World is still full steam ahead! I've never been more positive about TCG's direction than I am at this time. David and the team work tirelessly to bring the game to the next level. I have complete faith in the project, unwavered through the bear markets. TCG pushes on. Exciting things are coming - it just takes time. I truly believe our patience will be well rewarded. : )

Guess I should wrap this up, gotta go catch some sprites anyways. Sprites are life! Cheers!


Please follow The Sprite Report on Social media!

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Big Country
Big Country

Great write up Roy!!! Congrats on the birthday. I’m sorry to hear about what’s going on but I understand. I’m sure there are TCG enthusiasts that will help if needed. ❤️❤️❤️

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