Make sure to always click through to hear all of the day's news and visit all links!
COUNTDOWN: Just 16 Days Until the Metaverse Expo, Hosted by TCG World!
Here's the website: https://themetaverseexpo.io/
Please vote for TCG World in this poll:
Can TCG World pull ahead? It's up to you!
New Facebook Metaverse Expo Page:
Please like and follow! https://www.facebook.com/TheMetaverseExpo/
Crypto Skunkz Mint Starts Today!

Skunkz Linkz: Telegram: https://t.me/CRYPTOSKUNKSOFFICIAL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkunkzNFT
Website: https://cryptoskunkz.com/

And just a reminder, the Skunkz have partnered with another TCG World Partner, the Matic Greys!

Sprite Report Special Report #1:
Learn about the regional benefits of the virtual land in the TCG World Metaverse!

I've seen many of the speakers posting this image in the past day advertising their speaking event at the Expo:

Here's a list of tweets from speakers/attendees that you can like, follow and retweet! Orange Caesar: https://twitter.com/OrangeCaesar2/status/1539662133964615682
Women in Crypto: https://twitter.com/Julesofcrypto/status/1539639870573797377
The Matic Greys: https://twitter.com/TheMaticGreys/status/1539639455673458688
Son of Doge: https://twitter.com/Sonofdoge_/status/1539563074893529088 Seek Token: https://twitter.com/SEEK_Token3/status/1539640519713853442
And here's the official twitter: https://twitter.com/Metaverse_Expo
Click the bear image below for Alpha Pictures!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
Please follow The Sprite Report on Social media!
Telegram: https://t.me/TheSpriteReport
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSpriteReport
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSpriteReport
you've all been outed stop with this scam. the guy is going to the media https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/vjxub1/be_careful_metaverse_cult_tcg_skunks/