Make sure to always click through to read the full Sprite Report!
For all the TCG World info you'll ever need, head over to The Sprite Index!
Have you Re-Tweeted TCG World Today? : )
Today's Sprite Report is brought to you by DeSo Syndicate!
Don't know what to do with your plot? How about putting a frickin' Castle on it! Heck yeah!
DeSo Syndicate is an official partner of TCG World! DeSo Synicate 3D models world class level assets for use in the Metaverse and other Virtual Environments. These are photo realistic level imports that can be used on your plot in TCG World.
DeSo Syndicate will be offering structures, wearables, experiences and more within TCG World! at competitive prices. Their NFTs will also provide utility for holders in the form of giveaways, discounts and some exclusives in TCG World!
The assets will be easy to use. Just place them where you want them on your plot in TCG World. Boom! You're done! You'll have a thing of beauty that will make your neighbors jealous!
Visit their website to find out more! https://DeSoSyndicate.io
The News:
1 day to go: Vote for TCG World in this poll! Click Here to Vote!
TCG World will be at New Zealand's Biggest NFT Event!
Vandriver will be attending this event on Sunday. TCG is helping them host the event. There will be 2 silver plots to give away to those that purchase tickets and attend the event! Vandriver will be speaking about the Metaverse and TCG World to everyone there.
Here's the Link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/nft-nzl-new-zealands-biggest-nft-event-tickets-417726690777
Scam Alert! New Help Page - PLEASE READ!!!
There have been a ton of scams lately. Scammers target the TCG World community. Don't get fooled! Please read this so you know what to avoid! Click Here
Land Giveaway from TCG World for New Folks!
Chris won a plot last week from TCG World but he has given it back to give to someone who's new to the community and doesn't own land yet. What a great opportunity to onboard someone new and get them into the world! Who knew Chris was such a great guy?
Must not be a land owner and you must do everything in this tweet:
Codingus talks TCG World and gives away a plot on a Twitter Space!
Link Here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1MnxnpBWVAXGO
Another video from Kenneth!
He's a beast!
Cool Buildings in TCG World!
Some folks are finding some awesome buildings already in TCG World. Here was one Oggy posted in the main chat! What have you found? Let me know!

Upcoming Events:
TODAY 3pm PST: The Crypto Investors Pit Twitter Space
Sept 25th: New Zealand NFT NZL Sept 30th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 7th: TCG World Alpha Livestream with Guest(s)
October 14th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 21st: TCG World Alpha Livestream with Guest(s)
October 28th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
** Dates and times subject to change, Times are in PST 'cause I'm PST
- TCG World Special Offer to the Australian Crypto Convention Attendees
- Marketplace Launch (October)
- Dragon Egg Drop (October)
At the very least when viewing TCG World Tweets, please LIKE and RETWEET. Especially Retweet, as that really helps to spread word to the next potential investor!
Bear Sponsors:

This is a fictional ad, but if anyone wants to sponsor The Sprite Report, let's talk!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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