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Today's Sprite Report is brought to you by DeSo Syndicate!
Don't know what to do with your plot? How about putting a frickin' Castle on it! Heck yeah!
DeSo Syndicate is an official partner of TCG World! DeSo Synicate 3D models world class level assets for use in the Metaverse and other Virtual Environments. These are photo realistic level imports that can be used on your plot in TCG World.
DeSo Syndicate will be offering structures, wearables, experiences and more within TCG World! at competitive prices. Their NFTs will also provide utility for holders in the form of giveaways, discounts and some exclusives in TCG World!
The assets will be easy to use. Just place them where you want them on your plot in TCG World. Boom! You're done! You'll have a thing of beauty that will make your neighbors jealous!
Visit their website to find out more! https://DeSoSyndicate.io
The News:
- Vote for TCG World here! Click Here to Vote!
Staking pool update. The 1-month pool ended and a new one began yesterday. Make sure you're restaked! https://tcg.world/staking
PJ Posted a video that explains and walks you though it!
- David's Comment in the main Telegram Chat:
Morning all! I have had some reports that some people are being let’s say inappropriate to other members of the community. I would like to put a message out to state that everyone in the community is of equal importance, whether good or bad comments are made me and the team are here for everyone, calling people out and talking down to community members is not what TCG is about and if anyone feels like someone else is inappropriate please just message me, I’ll always be available to chat! On a positive note later today we will have all of the attendee information from the convention so I will be working on a marketing campaign directed to every attendee so there will be a special offer for them to come on board and buy some land, the offer will be extended to the community and will run for a week or so, this is to allow for us to extend our userbase and bring in a few more Aussies into TCG!


Upcoming Events:
Sept 30th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 7th: TCG World Alpha Livestream with Guest(s)
October 14th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 21st: TCG World Alpha Livestream with Guest(s)
October 28th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
** Dates and times subject to change, Times are in PST 'cause I'm PST
- TCG World Special Offer to the Australian Crypto Convention Attendees
- Marketplace Launch (October)
- Dragon Egg Drop (October)
At the very least when viewing TCG World Tweets, please LIKE and RETWEET. Especially Retweet, as that really helps to spread word to the next potential investor!
Bear Sponsors:

This is a fictional ad, but if anyone wants to sponsor The Sprite Report, let's talk!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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