The Sprite Report Issue 197
In this article:
- Jace Updates
- Thousandaire's Music Video about TCG World
- Friday Update Stream Details
- Giveaway Details
- Cilpz Tiktoks
- Community Halloween submissions - Daily News Feed
- Calendar of Events

Upcoming Events:
October 28th 2pm PST: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 31st: Halloween. Also eRacing Series 1 Starts. Schedule Below.
November 17th: End of the 1 Month and 3 Month Staking Pool for TCG2 BSC
November 22nd: End of the 1 Month Staking Pool for TCG2 ETH
November 23rd-24th: Jace attending NFT Fest 2022 in Australia
December 25th: Christmas
January 31st 2023: End of the 3 Month Staking Pool for TCG2 ETH
February 17th 2023: End of the 6 Month Staking Pool for TCG2 BSC
May 15th 2023: End of the 6 Month Staking pool for TCG2 ETH
August 14th 2023: End of the 12 Month Staking Pool for TCG2 BSC
October 31st to November 5th: eRacing Series 1 (Qualifying / Daytona, USA)
November 7th to 12th: eRacing Series 2 (Qualifying / Barcelona, Spain)
November 14th to 19th: eRacing Series 3 (Qualifying / Le Mans, France)
November 21st to 26th: eRacing Series 4 (Qualifying / Silverstone, England)
November 28th to December 3rd: eRacing Week 5 (FINAL / Sebring, USA)
November 30th to December 4th: SEBRING REAL RACE
** Dates and times subject to change, Times are in PST 'cause I'm PST
- Marketplace Launch (Likely end of October)
- Dragon Egg Drop (October?)
- Full Launch of TCG World (Around Christmas)
For all the TCG World info you'll ever need, head over to The Sprite Index!
Have you Re-Tweeted TCG World Today? : )
The News
Thousandaire's TCG World Video Preview!
Go here to watch it!: https://t.me/TCGGaming/650118

TCG World's Halloween Contest!

Simple to do! Here's the original tweet:
The First Submissions
I'm enjoying the first few submissions! These are what we're looking for! Make sure you're replying on that tweet, tagging TCG World, using hashtags, sharing it everywhere!
These are awesome, keep it up community!

Friday's Live Stream + Giveaway Details

The Update stream will happen this Friday. 2pm PST, 5pm EST, 9pm UTC
Sign up to get notified here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU8c7R4sgpY
Here's the tweet you need to interact with for a chance to win a silver plot or a dragon nft! Remember, you have to be in attendance as well!
Jace's Update!!!
G'day everyone. I just want to give the community an update more from my side of the house being the Chief Gaming officer. Since the Australian Crypto Convention, I have been in meetings just about weekly, sometimes up to 4-5 per week in some instances. It's been awesome. I can say we have some interest on the commercial side, but also some amazing crazy ideas floating around and being put into reality that is SURE to excite the community when announced. I understand we cannot always be in chat 24/7, but the entire team works tirelessly for the communities benefit, day in, day out. The studio and myself do go through chats often and we read the feedback and community sentiment, that being positive and sometimes negative at times. We do take it all onboard. I just wanted to address everyone and give you a bit of confidence that we are pushing forward despite the down trend and bearish market and have some incredible things to announce leading up to Christmas. I cannot say too much, but I will give a few hints. 👀🙀🏆🏎🖼🎁⏱🎮🍾🎄🤩🏠🌋🏝🏟🏁🇦🇺

Clipz posted a TCG World Video! Check it out via this link: https://www.tiktok.com/@fazeclipz/video/7158194257830874410?_r=1&_t=8WmbZhtO81y&is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7158194257830874410
Give it a like, follow, comment, all that jazz.

Today's Sprite Report is brought to you by DeSo Syndicate!
Don't know what to do with your plot? How about putting a frickin' Castle on it! Heck yeah!
Check out their website for assets you can use in TCG World! TCG Castle Promo Soon!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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