Make sure to always click through to read the full Sprite Report!
Have you entered Party Island yet? Head on over to Telegram and download the program, take a picture with your avatar on the Island, and post it as a comment on TCG's Twitter and you may just win a Gold Plot in TCG World!
How to get the game: Go to TCG World's Telegram and look under the pinned posts for it (or simply ask when you arrive to Telegram!) https://t.me/TCGGaming
Need a spiffy avatar? Head here, they're free to make! https://tcgworld.readyplayer.me
ENDS TOMORROW - Win a Gold Plot! - Just get in the Oasis with your https://tcgworld.readyplayer.me avatar and take a picture, post it as a comment on the TCG post below! You may win a gold plot in the metaverse!
- I love the Extra Tidbits from Yesterday's News!
Yesterday there was a lot of excitement when Nerdland announced a purchase within TCG World! Yesterday I let ya know about Biff from Back to the Future being a possible villain in TCG World? Well, there's a lot more that Nerdland wants to do with their new land!
There’s RIDES, a PARACHUTE JUMP, where a player may experience being dropped in a parachute, or holding their arms up and screaming on ROLLER COASTERS, etc. NERDLAND will have GAMES, CHESS, SPEED DATING, TRADING CARDS, HANG OUT WITH YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE or RECORDING STAR. There will be a nerd movie theater that plays Revenge of the Nerds, and lots of the most loved NERDY TV SHOWS. NERDLAND will host STORES with EVERY NERD PRODUCT, COFFEE NERDS, TECHNOLOGY, COCOA, HERBS, HEALTH DRINKS, HEALTH FOODS, CANDY…And HUNDREDS of NERD CHARACTERS, NERDS OF COLOR, FARM NERDS, LGBTQIA NERDS, and the VILLAIN is BIFF from Back to the future, who every once in a while bullies a nerd and the entire amusement park watches and then punishes him nerdily, and everyone goes back to nerd play.
Check the announcement out here: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/08/15/2498266/0/en/GGTOOR-Inc-OTCMKTS-GTOR-Announces-It-Has-Inked-a-7-200-000-Parcel-Sale-in-GGTOORCITY.html
At the very least when viewing TCG World Tweets, please LIKE and RETWEET. Especially Retweet, as that really helps to spread word to the next potential investor!
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This week The Sprite Report is sponsored by Bear Knows All! Bear Knows All will tell your fortune in the Metaverse! Will you have a car? Will you have diamonds? Only Bear Knows. Bear Knows All.

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Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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