Looking for a cool way to display your Apes and Punks? David Evans, the brain behind TCG World, has the coolest display for his Ape and Punk NFTs.
David has made this huge monument on the largest land parcel in the game. He displays his Ape along with some from SydTek Dao, an official partner of TCG World. The result is an art piece itself, and towers over the land. It can be seen from very far away. Just look at these screenshots from the game!
That's just the Bored Apes part. David and SydTek Dao's Crypto Punks NFTs are prominently displayed on the other side!
The video below shows the monument.
And it's hard not to notice that Avatar too! TCG World's avatars are from ReadyPlayer.Me - and they've created this robot Avatar that lets you use your Crypto Punks NFT.
Read the official announcement about the Ready Player Me Punks Here.
Check out this video for Punk Owners below. And imagine yourself roaming around TCG World in these awesome Avatars!
So where exactly can you find this monument? Head on over to the map on TCG World and look in the Forest Region. Picture below.
There's still some spaces nearby if you'd like to get in close to the Apes vs Punks monument. You can find the virtual land for sale on the website. https://tcg.world/marketplace
But you wanna know a secret?
That Apes vs Punks video showing the huge monument was released on February 17th. TCG World has had a graphics update since then. The world looks EVEN BETTER! I'd say the graphics for TCG World are on par with that of GTA5's graphics in terms of land detail. It's getting realer and realer.
Check out some screenshots below of the new upgraded graphics and see for yourself!
Do you own an Ape or a Punk and plan to play TCG World? Let me know in the comments!
#TCGWorld #Metaverse #DragonFollowDragon #ApeFollowApe #PunkFollowPunk #BAYC #CryptoPunks #LarvaLabs #NFT #TCG2
Here's even more pictures from the Monument video: