Have you visited the TCG World website lately? There's more exciting updates!
The last big update was the staking page update, with the addition of filters to make it easier to see which pools your coins are staked in. You can read about those changse here!
Today's update contains 3+ months of development updates, closing out 2022. Plus some updates to the profile page.
Here's what was updated:
The Profile page has been updated with the following:
- A link to download of the game launcher. (please note: Alpha only available to land owners at this time)
- The ability to add Space.ID as your username.

I'm not sure if this next thing was part of this update, or a previous one. But I just noticed you can filter the plots you have by "all", "on sale", "on auction" and "active listing" under your Profile Activity section.

The Game page has been updated with the following: - A link to the download of the game launcher.
- October, November and December game updates, as follows:

Development Updates
December 2022
Game development :
Rings collection mechanics in the world
Bellere showroom added into the world
Added tip and binding control for camera switch in vehicles
Vehicle high speed camera fix
New vehicle camera system (3 options, press V to change)
Build preparation for NFT integration with mystery boxes mechanics Fixes: - Dragon shift, dragon camera - Creatures afraid of cars - UI PopUp on start game - No radar in vehicle - Logs smaller and clearer - Port “yoga” fix - Whoopsie character fix - No more GPU weight in main menu
Site frontend and backend development :
Mystery box development and release
Game/Web/Blockchain api development for car ownership and other assets management
World Generation :
Biomes updates
New LOD System development
Blockchain Development :
Mystery box and cars SC development

Development Updates
November 2022
Game development :
Sprites hunt in beta testing started
Sprites leaderboard development and web/blockchain sync
Post Process and Graphics updates
New 3d Impostors system
New arcade cars physics, nft assets sync
Site frontend and backend development :
Cars Mystery box mechanics development
Marketplace release
Land trade via sales and auctions
Marketplace first version deployed, see highlights above
Profile page upgrades
UX & UI upgrades
Many bugs fixed
Blockchain Development :
Marketplace SC development and release
Cars SC development
Development Updates
October 2022
Game development :
AU Stadium optimization update
Overpasses (beta version)
Dragons mechanics changes and improvements
"My lands" ui changes and ux fixes
Multiple stability fixes
New builder version!
Party build development
Joystick support added
Voice chat added
Sprites radar added
New car sounds
Site frontend and backend development :
Game and web api development
Marketplace development
Map FE optimisation
World Generation :
More sprites added into the world
Teleportation fixes
Castles modeling
New roads and tunnels system implementation
Blockchain Development :
Marketplace SC development
Eth staking development
Cross chain swap v2 released
That's all that I've seen, if you've found anything else that's been updated that I haven't already mentioned, please let me know!
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Thank you for putting in the time to put this together. As always great information. Had no idea about the Space ID. Going to look into that now. 🙏🙏🙏