Make sure to always click through to hear all of the day's news and visit all links!
Happy Star Wars day everyone! May the 4th be with you! Not only a nerd holiday, but my real life anniversary. Today was a huge day for TCG World news! Let's get to it!
Today TCG World announced a partnership with JPIC. JPIC is the Jigsaw Puzzle International Convention. They are co-hosting our Metaverse convention with their own Puzzling convention! Very cool.
If you click through to the announcement, you will find the video below. JPIC was on Shark Tank Malta, got a huge deal for 200k with one of the Sharks.. and mentioned TCG World on the program! Great exposure for us! How kind of JPIC to mention us on national tv!
You can read the Medium Announcement Here: https://medium.com/@TCG_World/tcg-world-partners-with-shark-tank-backed-jigsaw-puzzle-international-convention-jpic-abddbd1f09f0
TCG tweeted about the Dragons, kinda out of the blue! Will utility be announced sooner rather than later?? Cool picture!

The #TCGDragonCC is a collection of 10,000 Dragon #NFTs living on #OpenSea with exclusive utility in the #TCGWorld #Metaverse
Get ready for egg drops, incubating, VIP concerts, events and so much more!
View Collection https://opensea.io/collection/tcg-world-dragons
Today there will be a Twitter Space with DrivenX! As always there are giveaways! Learn and get a chance to win!

TCG World's Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfficialTCGCoin/status/1521133567895609349
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