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TCG World News for May 25th 2022

Make sure to always click through to hear all of the day's news and visit all links!

Record Breaking Land Deal Announced Yesterday!

TCG World announced a new strategic partnership with Curzio Research Inc. They have acquired 19 commercial real estate properties inside TCG World Metaverse for $5,000,000. At the time of this article, this is the single largest virtual real estate purchases to date for virtual property in any metaverse. The previous largest deal was with The Dragon Guild.

Curzio Research plans on building its headquarters in the Asia region of TCG World, near WallStreetBets. This is where Curzio VIP members can meet with other investors, attend live events, educational seminars and conferences, listen to exclusive Wall Street Unplugged podcasts, and build an investment community.

Link to Curzio's website:

The Founder - Frank Curzio's Twitter:

News Articles are going out about this historic land purchase, including from The Sun!


The Metaverse Expo is Shaping Up!

Jason Paige officially announced, along with a few others.

See the website here:

New additions to my eye: Jason Paige, Ian Feiner (CEO of Freckle and a 5 time Grammy Aware Winning Hollywood Producer!) - 3 people from School Coin. The rest I believe have been on there for a week or so, but some good names. I highly encourage you to check out the website.

New additions under the Exhibitor list include: School Coin and MetaOps. Are these two projects going to be announced as TCG World partners soon? Or are they just attendees / exhibitors for the event?

Alex back in Miami!

He's back with the MetaV Group, doing a panel / interview tonight with Epic Talks.

The chart is back on Telegram!

Use the /plotsleft command in the main group.

Alpha Pictures:

Hitching a ride!

Cyber Angel in the East.

Lots of greenery!

Looking from the East to where the City Plots are - specifically where the Public Gallery is planned to be.

Along the shore.

Along the shore.

Found some awesome yellow flowers that match my outfit!

Had to turn on the sun for this photo!

Further along the river bank.

Looking down - the details with the plants under the water are impressive.

Found some more yellow that matches my outfit!

Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report - see ya tomorrow!

Please follow The Sprite Report on Social media!

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