The Sprite Report Issue 175
In this article:
- How to use your Avatar's psychic ability.
- Collect-A-Ball in the House (this Friday).
- Farewell land dealz.
- Australia loved TCG World.
- Daily News Feed.
- Calendar of Events.

Upcoming Events:
October 7th: TCG World Alpha Livestream with Collect-A-Ball
October 7th to 9th: PAX AUS 2022 Jace will represent TCG World at the event
October 14th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 21st: TCG World Alpha Livestream with Guest(s)
October 28th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 31st to November 5th: eRacing Series 1 (Qualifying / Daytona, USA)
November 7th to 12th: eRacing Series 2 (Qualifying / Barcelona, Spain)
November 14th to 19th: eRacing Series 3 (Qualifying / Le Mans, France)
November 21st to 26th: eRacing Series 4 (Qualifying / Silverstone, England)
November 28th to December 3rd: eRacing Week 5 (FINAL / Sebring, USA)
November 30th to December 4th: SEBRING REAL RACE
** Dates and times subject to change, Times are in PST 'cause I'm PST
- TCG World Special Offer to the Australian Crypto Convention Attendees
- Marketplace Launch (October)
- Dragon Egg Drop (October)
- Full Launch of TCG World (Christmas)
For all the TCG World info you'll ever need, head over to The Sprite Index!
Have you Re-Tweeted TCG World Today? : )
The News
Official RIP Discord #RealEstate Channel


AKA the Radar. Want a potentially easier way of finding those Sprites in TCG World? Use the Radar! The Radar is located under the mini map on your screen. Simply push the button and follow the psychic beam. It'll lead you either to a Sprite, or where a Sprite may spawn in the future.

Note: When you push it, it'll continue to emit the beam a few times. But if you mount anything, or dismount anything, you'll need to push it again.
I've used it a few times:
Some times it took me right to a Sprite after some following. Cha Ching!
Some times it lead me to a spot that didn't seem to have a Sprite. I can assume there's ether a Sprite that's yet to spawn, or has spawned incorrectly (under the world (Oggy has said something similar about this as well)). Not quite sure.
It's Alpha, and this is all early stages.. so keep that in mind! But hopefully this ability will help you find a Sprite or 20000 of them! If you learn anything new about this, please reach out!
Collect-A-Ball Stream this Friday!
Sign up for notifications here (and make sure to LIKE the video!)
The Australia Crypto Convention tweeted out about TCG World!
See the full post and show them some love here: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02HDS1nJxXnQ7cfHPBJiudw87ohPXEfLipuoqUEWeEcVQ2PetHeCKcZnLd7BYjfMthl&id=100070025854642

Haunted Houses Wanted:
When David asked for some billboards I submitted some as just little jokes basically. They were well made (for me) and one was chosen to be put in the game! Specifically the one that says there's a Special Edition of The Sprite Report for Halloween - the Haunted Houses of TCG World.
So.... lol. I need folks to build some funky haunted houses, let me know, and I'll go review them! It's ok if this doesn't happen but would make a fun issue.
Today's Sprite Report is brought to you by DeSo Syndicate!
Don't know what to do with your plot? How about putting a frickin' Castle on it! Heck yeah!
Check out their website for assets you can use in TCG World! TCG Castle Promo Soon!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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