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TCG World Metaverse News for July 31st 2022

Make sure to always click through to read the full Sprite Report!

This week The Sprite Report is sponsored by Bear's Buzzin' Buddies.

Bear goes out of his way to wrestle angry bees so you don't have to!

Hit up Bear's Buzzin' Buddies for all your Bee Needs.


- Vote for TCG World - a fun poll on Twitter pits TCG World against Earth 2 : ) Both are wonderful projects.. but please consider voting for TCG World!

- TCG World was the #1 Metaverse out of 10 featured in this Youtube video:

- After a little bit of an absence, I see Metaversoon is back making some TCG World content for his viewers! Check it out here:


When I was in Alpha back in early April, there were several partner plots in TCG World. They have since taken them off the map to optimize and improve them. The first one that came back was Starship!

- It's the first thing you see when exiting the Starter hub in the East - just walk North!

- Both the hub and Starship are off of the East's main road - a 6 lane highway going straight up and down in central East.

- Additionally Starship has a road just north of them, and the plots closest to Starship are right off that road. Great area!

- Starship features a few ships, a rocket on a launch pad, a huge hanger(?) in the shape of the Starship logo (it's so cool), a beautiful lake, a biodome with computers and plants growing, various crystals and enigmatic rock structures with lights shooting to the sky, red grass, and beautiful red trees!

- What's different from the trailer? TCG World released a trailer a whopping 8 months ago (Time Flies!!) that showed many of the things that are in there today. Missing is an area with a bunch of white buildings (we see an astronaut avatar roam around it in the trailer). Also the space-themed sky, ships flying around high above, and the Stargate looking portal aren't in. I've asked about these and will update this when I hear back.

Enjoy the pictures!

Don't mind the wrecked monster truck - Bear doesn't know how to drive.


At the very least when viewing TCG World Tweets, please LIKE and RETWEET. Especially Retweet, as that really helps to spread word to the next potential investor!

You're very welcome!!!!

Want to advertise on The Sprite Report?

I have that little area below my title available on the main image. Plus a little writeup at the top of the articles. Maybe more? Let's talk. You must be related to TCG World in some form or fashion.

Previous Sponsors:

This is a fictional ad, but if anyone wants to sponsor The Sprite Report, let's talk!

Click the bear image below for Alpha Pictures!

Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!

Please follow The Sprite Report on Social media!

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