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- As predicted, TCG World tweeted out a Platinum Plot benefits image. The previous days they did gold and silver. Maybe we'll see the Diamond one tomorrow?
Interesting fact of the day:
By floor area, a platinum is four times bigger than gold. But by volume (ie build space including height), a platinum is six times bigger than gold!
Thank you Jon for that tidbit!


Project Nightfall's plot has been in the game for over 3 weeks now. It's been kept pretty under wraps until now when someone discovered it and let the cat out of the bag! Today I focus on the ski slope area that's very near it. Here's some fun pictures of the skiing area:

- Over in the exclusive Plot Owner chat on Telegram, David talked about the rings to capture the Sprites and some of the numbers for the rarest Sprites too! If you're an owner of land, make sure you're in the plot owner group so you can get these exclusive tidbits direct from David and the team.
Crypto Confident Video:

This week the Sprite Report is Sponsored by Bear's Bowties! Available Now!
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This is a fictional ad, but if anyone wants to sponsor The Sprite Report, let's talk!
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Click the bear image below for Alpha Pictures!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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