Make sure to always click through to read the full Sprite Report!
100 Days, 100 Sprite Reports! I made this fun image that shows EVERY Sprite Report I've done in this format! Here's to 100 more Sprite Reports and beyond!

- No AMA with Alex tomorrow. He is on vacation with his family. This is the 2nd week of no live stream AMAs.
- New graphic on the website (ok it's a few days old now)

- Yesterday Dr. Trichome won the NFT Protector NFT during the 100th Issue of The Sprite Report celebration! He somehow survived an insane level of Marbles where everyone else flew off. Thanks to everyone for watching my Twitch yesterday, it was a lot of fun!
And thank you again to @TopMarkzTCG on Telegram for donating the wonderful prize! Can't wait to see it!

- TCG's social media team highlighted the Silver Plots today! Still on sale, visit https://tcg.world/marketplace

- A new video showcased TCG World and a few other projects:
Some fun pictures of a quick meetup. I see me in the background!
Cory's picture:


This week the Sprite Report is Sponsored by Bear's Bowties! Available Now!
Bear's Bowties will make your Bear look like the Professional he or she is pretending to be!
No more squatting in the woods. With a Bear's Bowtie, any bear can squat anywhere and blend in! Because nobody thinks twice when they see a bear in a bowtie!
Get yours now! Available for a limited time only!

This is a fictional ad, but if anyone wants to sponsor The Sprite Report, let's talk!
If you didn't know already Jace and a few others from TCG World are going to the Australian Crypto Convention! A few days ago they tweeted Jace out!
Want to advertise on The Sprite Report?
I have that little area below my title available. Plus a little writeup at the top of the articles. Maybe more? Let's talk. You must be related to TCG World in some form or fashion.
Click the bear image below for Alpha Pictures!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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