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TCG World Metaverse News for August 25th 2022

Writer's picture: SpriteWriterSpriteWriter

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A sprite has been confirmed to be an ALIEN! Call Fox Mulder!

This is the first sprite announced to be in the alien biome of the North region. Earlier in the week some Sprites were announced for the Forest region as well.

- HUGE Updates on just about everything you could imagine were posted today by David! Wowzers!

TCG World Update 25th August 2022

Plans for September:

New AMA format with PJ Krypto (Check him out beforehand on Youtube: starting Friday 2nd September with alternate weeks of formal AMA and in world streaming with guests.

New marketing company starts on 1st September, initial plans are our Twitter growth and in October we will extend to other channels.

Alpha version 3.1.0 is scheduled to be ready first week in September and after initial testing Gold and Silvers will be given access, ongoing 1 new build per month will be made to give time for the studio to make significant changes between builds.

During September Party Island will be imported into full build and a streaming SDK added for live events and prerecorded events to take place. A full event calendar will be created. To be a featured artist please message one of the team with audio and video.

Marketplace will launch in September. Initially for land sales but vehicles will be added in to marketplace in September or October after extensive vehicle testing.

Creatures- The creature capture system is currently in V1. Creatures captured will be minted on Testnet during Alpha and appear in your inventory. As these are on Testnet they will be reset on full launch to make it fair for all players. We will however be giving some rewards and prizes to some of those that capture Creatures during Alpha.

General Public access. We are currently aiming for public access to be at Christmas in line with the current roadmap for Q4 launch. After further testing improvements and additions will be ongoing in 2023 but everyone will have access to the world and creatures will be able to be captured and minted to your wallet. Creatures will then be activated on the marketplace.

During September we will also test community buildings in world so please prepare your FBX files ready for testing.

Dragon Eggs are scheduled to be released at the end of September

- That was a lot, but they weren't done! A 4-minute video was posted in the plot chat over on Telegram. It shows early development footage of some major infrastructure in TCG World. WELL worth a watch! If you're a land owner, make sure you're in there and paying attention to that channel in Telegram!

TCG World is heading to the Australian Crypto Convention in September and you can save 20% off Tickets!

Use Code: TCGWDC at


At the very least when viewing TCG World Tweets, please LIKE and RETWEET. Especially Retweet, as that really helps to spread word to the next potential investor!

HELP OUT and Re-Tweet everything in the announcement below!

Want to advertise on The Sprite Report?

I have that little area below my title available on the main image. Plus a little writeup at the top of the articles. Maybe more? Let's talk. You must be related to TCG World in some form or fashion.

This week The Sprite Report is sponsored by Bear's Bat'leth Battle Training! Bear thinks he's from the Mirror Universe and will stumble and tumble teach your little Klingon the art of the Bat'leth! Qapla'!

Previous Sponsors:

This is a fictional ad, but if anyone wants to sponsor The Sprite Report, let's talk!

Click the bear image below for Alpha Pictures!

Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!

Please follow The Sprite Report on Social media!

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