Out with the old, in with the New!
TCG World updated their map and plot NFTs today on their website. You can check it out by going to the map and marketplace.
Old Silver on Top, New Silver on Bottom
Old Gold on Top, New Gold on Bottom
Old Platinum on Top, New Platinum on Bottom
You can also zoom in WAY close now!
New Updates: - Improved Zoom - You can get in a lot closer, including to Silver plots.
- New Filter Swipe - Left to right reveal
- Loading bar for Filter Swipe
- New Land NFT Art and Animations - including a swirly animated base.
- Avatars were also updated - they also have the animated swirly base now. (Will this mean they'll get animated eventually as well?)
- Dragon NFTs in your wallet also have swirly base.
Future Improvements:
- David has said coordinates are planned to be added to the plot NFTs
- David has also said you'll be able to put a logo or image on owned plots.
There may have been some other updates, but these are the ones I've noticed.
Below are the new animations on your land NFTs!
Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond
North Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Forest Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond
East Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Farm Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Let me know what you think in the comments!