- Going forward all Live Updates will be broadcast live over on Youtube instead of Facebook. Youtube provides better quality for the videos.
- Starts off with the NBC Palm Springs video shown previously. Click Here to Watch.
- Then plays a shortened clip of the CBS News Documentary Story that includes TCG World and CryptoMom. Video Below:
- Talks about the Landscape video from the previous week.
- TCG World did Twitter Spaces with Cyber Hornets and Elongate this week.
- CBS News Report was released this week. (video above)
- Was on a live call on Blockchain Game Alliance earlier today (Friday). Click Here for That.
- Podcast scheduled for Monday with Captain Awesome (Greed/Valor), Ken Shamrock, and Michael Owen. 2:30pm PST on Monday.
- Talks about Mike Miller and the designing of in-game Dragons, creating story and lore for TCG World.
- Shows a cool video of Mike Miller creating a dragon.

- Weekly Giveaway Winners:
- Reddit Giveaway: D M (Latter-Cup-5239) won a Dragon NFT
- Twitter ApeCoin Giveaway: @RAM-Z won a Gold Plot and 1000.00 worth of ApeCoin!
- Elongate Twitter Space Giveaway: Winners all got emails (prize: Whitlist spot).
- Cyber Hornets Twitter Space Giveaway: Alparkapszula and Buzz Dee won Collect-A-Ball NFTs (Cyber Hornet NFT winners announced next Wednesday)
- Update on TCG Verified Guilds. They plan to announce the first verified guild in the two weeks or so. Verified guilds will have to go through a video interview process, application, etc.
- Alpha Incoming! Alpha starting next week. Core Management team starting Alpha next week. Everything is on track.
- Shout out to the Studio, some folks are in Ukraine still working making the game.
- TCG World going to conventions: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, and in Miami.
- Eric from TCG World is in San Francisco right now, Alex shows some pictures.

- Meeting with a ton of businesses, and not just crypto projects. He mentions Celebrities too.
- Mentions that they are going to a Paris convention soon.
- They haven't announced any new partners for a while on purpose. They're making some moves behind the scenes.
- TCG World is hosting their own Metaverse convention in Vegas (July 8th to 10th)
- New Custom Cars in TCG World. Shows us this picture:

- Shows another Mike Miller video of all the creatures he's created so far.

- Shows a new video! Early development of creature capture with the TCG rings. Video shows a guy putting in TCG themed contacts, they affect his eyes to go into Virtual Reality. The guy grabs a ring off of his wrist and throws it to capture a creature.

- Another "Mystery Video" that shows a Mike Miller concept that looks like teleporting.. Alex never says what it is.

- Alex teases some stuff for future Update videos and says they've held off on some announcements and surprises probably due to Alpha.
- Ends the AMA with the Nature Video from last week, it looks much better on Youtube.
You can watch the whole Update Video on Youtube!