12/09/2022 Live Update / AMA Stream Highlights
Project Updates:
- New Partnership Announcement: TCG World has partnered with One Tree Planted. They plant trees all around the world. You donate one dollar and get a tree planted. This helps reduce TCG World's carbon footprint in the metaverse.
- They show a video about One Tree Planted that explains their project. Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j2qdGWqSv4
- Mentions the Illuvium Advent Calendar - TCG World will have a Twitter Space with them on the 15th. TCG Will be speaking with them about metaverse interoperability, and there will be giveaways.
- Dragon Bible V2 Updates - already live on the website. Some enhancements and changes to the following:
- Details about dragon nesting.
- Details about Dragon Island
- Details about Dragon Rentals
- New TCG Griffin to obtain through the Dragon Nest process. Depending on how long you stake.
- The 2000 dragon plots has been clarified to be dragon nests. Tied to the dragon NFTs. And the nests can regenerate your battle dragons.
- New Dragon Calculator, PJ demos it. It calculates the dragon gold that can be obtained from the dragon NFTs. Link here: https://swapsea.eu/tcgdragons/
- Sandstorm Update concerning Dragons. Pictures of them below.
- Castle NFT update from the BOGO promo. They are working on the implementation of the castles in-world so the drop may be pushed back until mid January. But basically they want them useable when you get them, that's why there's a delay. No date set.
- Question from chat: Will the castles have interactive doors and drawbridges, etc. Answer was yes they will have functioning elements such as those.
- Reminder: Please only use the TCG Marketplace for plot sales to avoid scams. So many people pretending to be Staff and members of chat - they will take you for your money! Use the marketplace for sales only. TCG World cannot protect you if you get scammed in this fashion.
- TCG Coin Staking - Staking will continue until farming goes live in the game.
- No date for farming to go live.
- Question about public launch and if you can import home designs / mint designs or still need to wait. Likely not at the public alpha launch.. likely a feature early next year hopefully he says.
- Unity Discussions about Mobile Ability. Dave has said Unity will be helping TCG World with the mobile aspects of the game. Not the whole world, just small parts and aspects. Potentially farming, sprite battling, etc.
- TCG Advent Calendar reminder: A giveaway every day! https://calendar.myadvent.net/?id=w23mnqfsn986nqydcakgh9kgvi3ivmh4
- They give the secret code word for Day 9 of the Advent Calendar at around the 43 minute mark.
New Build 3.5.8 was released today to plot owners.
Environment changes:
- Road improvements
- Desert fixes
- Terrain changes
- North terrain height changes
- New tunnel roads
- New location: Asia Big Bamboos
- Asia biome changes
- HDRI sky
- Foot kinematics
- Builder improvements and fixes
- Enable/disable cursor by TAB button
- New system: Pets - spawn sprites from your inventory and they will walk with you.
- Radar can be activated with the R button.
- Improved sprite capture aim and feel.
- New system: Animals - they walk around the world, you cannot interact with them.
- Rings found in the world. Rings will eventually be removed from your inventory and you'll need to find them.
That was it!
Pictures from this stream:

Watch the replay here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0ot5zFPSIA
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report!
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