We all love the updated map, but have you taken a close look at it? There's a few things on it that are very peculiar.
Below are 4 very weird things on the map - 2 that are more well known nowadays, and 2 more I want to point out.
Over near the Ancient Ruins there's what looks like a giant ancient dragon skull! This was first pointed out on a voice chat on Telegram.
Next we have the most famous one. This is one that once you see it.. you'll always see it. Do you see anything that stands out in the North region?
First pointed out by CryptoBull, there appears to be a Native American portrait in the snow! Headdress and all! I really hope this one stays on the final map.
There's something weird below the Volcano. What do you see in the image below?
Do you see a white light? Surely this can't be snow or a cloud. What do you think this is? Is this the opening to the Dragon Cave?
And the last one. This one's a bit different. Stare at this map - do you see something off?
Did you give up? Or did you find this?
Have you spotted something weird on the map? Let me know, I'll update this and give you credit!
Head on over to the map to check these for yourself, and to maybe find something I've missed! https://tcg.world/map